Uploading Files from Cpanel

File Uploading is a simple and fast process in Cpanel. For upload files please follow these steps
  1. Login into you Cpanel.
  2. In Files Section click on File Manager
  3. Select Web Root(public_html) and Click on GO.
  4. First open that folder where you want to upload your files. if you want to upload files on root your don't need to open any folder becuase by default you are on root.
  5. Now Click on Upload option from ribbon bar.
  6. To Select a file Click on Browse.
  7. Select a file which you want to upload and click on upload.
  8. Once a file is upload successfully and follow option 6 and 7 for upload more files.
  9. when your all files upload sucessfully then click on Back to /home/username/public_html.

file upload in Cpanel

Note: If you upload a website your main page file name must be one of the follow (index.htm, index.html, index.php).

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