Linux Shared hosting-Getting started

We guess that you are starter for linux shared hosting so we are here for help you to configure your new hosting.

Step One : Updating Nameservers
First of all you need to connect your domain with your hosting server. For it you need to update nameserver of your domain as per your hosting server. If you purchased domain with different domain registrar than you to contact your domain registrar for update nameservers. For Know about updating Domain Name Server Click Here

Step Two : Accessing your CPanel
There are two way to access your Cpanel

 Option 1 : From you
For access your Cpanel first Click Here to login in your Clientarea
My services list

  Then scroll down your screen than click on Login to Cpanel.

   Option Two: Directly using username and password
     Type the url in address bar  
      http://IPaddress/cpanel        (http://YourDomainName/cpanel)
      http://IPaddress:2082          (http://YourDomainName:2082)
      Then enter your Linux Shared Hosting login username and password

Creating Email Accounts
To know how to create email Account from Cpanel Click Here

Upload Your Website or Files
To Upload website or files on your Hosting Server. Click Here

Installing CMS (Joomla, wordpress, Open Cart, Drupal)
To Install CMS like joomla, wordpress and many more we give a auto installation functionality by Softaculous. From where you can install these CMS in just one click. For install CMS Click Here.

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