Dedicated Server Linux
Geolocation in USA
Intel Xeon D-2141 I - 8 CPU Cores x 2.20 Ghz
16 Gb RAM DDR4
2 Dedicated IP
500 GB Hard Disk RAID Level 1 SSD
5120 GB Bandwidth
Available with CentOS 6, CentOS 7, Debian 8, Ubuntu 16.04
cPanel or Plesk Control Panel Optional
Full Root Access
Instant Provisioning
  • Location - USA

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    Dedicated Server Linux
    Geolocation in USA
    Intel Xeon D-2141 I - 8 CPU Cores x 2.20 Ghz
    28 Gb RAM DDR4
    2 Dedicated IP
    1000 GB Hard Disk RAID Level 1 SSD
    10240 GB Bandwidth
    Available with CentOS 6, CentOS 7, Debian 8, Ubuntu 16.04
    cPanel or Plesk Control Panel Optional
    Full Root Access
    Instant Provisioning
  • Location - USA

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    Dedicated Server Linux
    Geolocation in USA
    Intel Xeon D-2141 I - 8 CPU Cores x 2.20 Ghz
    60 Gb RAM DDR4
    2 Dedicated IP
    1790 GB Hard Disk RAID Level 1 SSD
    15360 GB Bandwidth
    Available with CentOS 6, CentOS 7, Debian 8, Ubuntu 16.04
    cPanel or Plesk Control Panel Optional
    Full Root Access
    Instant Provisioning
  • Location - USA

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    I-Silver DS1

    • Processor - Intel Xeon E3-1220LV3
    • CPU - 4 Core
    • RAM - 6GB DDR3
    • Storage - 1TB HDDx2 RAID 1
    • Bandwidth - 1TB Monthly Data Transfer
    • Location - India

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    I-Gold DS2

    • Processor - Intel Xeon E3-1265LV3
    • CPU - 4 Core
    • RAM - 14GB DDR3
    • Storage - 1TB HDDx2 RAID 1
    • Bandwidth - 1TB Monthly Data Transfer
    • Location - India

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    I-Platinum DS3

    • Processor - Intel Xeon E3-1265LV3
    • CPU - 4 Core
    • RAM - 22GB DDR3
    • Storage - 2TB HDDx2 RAID 1
    • Bandwidth - 2TB Monthly Data Transfer
    • Location - India

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    I-Diamond DS4

    • Processor - Intel Xeon E3-1271LV3
    • CPU - 4 Core
    • RAM - 30GB DDR3
    • Storage - 2TB HDDx2 RAID 1
    • Bandwidth - 2TB Monthly Data Transfer
    • Location - India

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