Install & Configure SEO SMO Manager


1)      download your package from your clientarea. Now extract it.
This package contain 4 Files

  • a)      README
  • b)      SEO_SMO_Manager_5.6_and_7.1      <--  This is ZIP Compresssed file for PHP Version 5.6 and 7.1
  • c)      SEO_SMO_Manager_7.4_and_8.1     <--  This is ZIP Compresssed file for PHP Version 7.4 and 8.1

2)      Upload SEO SMO Manager Zip file match with your PHP Version (For example if your PHP Version is 5.6 or 7.1 Upload SEO_SMO_Manager_5.6_and_7.1 ) in the root of your WHMCS installation folder.

For Example:- If you WHMCS install in a subfolder name as billing Upload this zip file in billing folder OR if your WHMCS install on root upload it on the root.

3)      Now extract it (please don't change the path)


1)      After installation please login in WHMCS Administrator Panel with administrator rights.

2)      Now goto Setup -> Addon Modules

3)      In the list find SEO SMO Manager powered by NHGroup. Then click on the Activate button in front of this option.

4)      When the module is activate click on Configure button

5)      Now configuration option display below. In the License Key Field enter you license key purchased from Network Hosting Group. If you don't purchase a key purchase it .

6)      Now fill other fields if you want that features

7)      Last Field Access Control click on the groups to give the permission for access.
Note:- Full Administrator should be check otherwise you can't access this module

Now goto Addons Menu if SEO SMO Module option available in the menu its mean your module install successfully and administrator have permission to access.

Note:- If you enter the wrong license key or leave it blank then you have the option SEO SMO Manager but can not create SEO Listing. 

Add New SEO 

  After complete installation and configuration. You are ready for add SEO to any Page. For add new SEO follow these steps.

  • Goto Addons-> SEO SMO Manager
  • Click on Add new SEO
  • Fill the Form and Click on Save.

Auto Pilot  

  The new Feature auto pilot. 

  • It use product group name and product group heading as title of Product page
  • Product ground tag line information use as description.
  • Update author name in Setup -> Addon Modules -> SEO SMO Manager because it use in schema markup for knowledgebase article


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